I want to build a tasteful looking garage to hold about 15 vehicles, but don’t want it to look like a warehouse. I’d like to keep the cars on my property, but worry about how it will look.
Asked by:skinny vic

Weird, Odd, Wonderful Cars
I want to build a tasteful looking garage to hold about 15 vehicles, but don’t want it to look like a warehouse. I’d like to keep the cars on my property, but worry about how it will look.
Asked by:skinny vic
go to “Shopzilla.com”. There are 2 different books there. If that doesn’t work for you, try going to yahoo homepage and doing a yahoo or goggle search for garage blueprints and just follow the links. Good luck
Awesome. Love cars. Gotta Shelby? I like the garages that look like barns with the cupolas on top. I think Kentucky Steel buildings do them. You can get all sorts of colors etc.
If you want to do wood build it like a barn. Check out the websites for house plans usually they have detached garage plans as well.
It sounds like you want a special shop to store your pries toy’s. Unfortunately like anything else in the world things cost! How ever there may be drawings available at your local library. That might save you a little.
There have been some good answers so far. With 15 vehicles, that is going to require a pretty large building, obviously. If you seldom drive them, you can cram them in a little closer by parking them on wheel dollies, available from Harbor Freight (harborfreight.com), and then sliding them right next to each other. I think the carriage-house-style doors go a long way to making the outbuilding “quaint” like an old carriage house, and not as industrial. There is now a line of affordable steel roll-up doors stamped to resemble somewhat the old swing-out carriage-house doors (complete with optional faux barn door hinges). Home Depot (Clopay doors) and Lowe’s (Holmes doors, a Clopay brand) have them. I just bought a pair to dress up my 30×40 shop garage in my backyard. It gives me room for two vehicles and a large work area in front of and around the vehicles. But if you’re going to do a restoration, plan for a couple of extra bays for storage while you tear the vehicle down.
Keep in mind that there are also storage lifts available from about $2,000 that allow you to double-deck your storage. Depending on other costs, that may be a viable way for you to store your collection and cut down on the size of your building (it’s a lot cheaper to build up than out.)