Counter-theory: While the RS cover may give a small amount of fuel to the weird online cult of Jahar fangirls, who are, in the end, childish and powerless, this image of Tsarnaev looking broken and wounded could very well be

Weird, Odd, Wonderful Cars
Counter-theory: While the RS cover may give a small amount of fuel to the weird online cult of Jahar fangirls, who are, in the end, childish and powerless, this image of Tsarnaev looking broken and wounded could very well be
They need to be funny, dramatic or weird. This gets me wondering, why should dealers be spending tons of money producing their own commercials to advertise used car deals when automakers already produced those commercials? So here's my big and crazy idea. Dealers should extend their rights or buy the rights to old tier one commercials that originally aired three years ago or four or even more to help them sell used cars. It would get people to pay attention
But Frank saddled with domestic prospects just isn't as funny as the filmmakers think it is. Tossing in Byung-hun's Han Cho Bai is a great touch; he's agile, funny and adds some energy to the proceedings. I'm always a fan of seeing Neal McDonough in anything …. Of course, I thought the same thing about Cars seven years ago, but just because you've seen something once doesn't mean it can't floor you a second time. The nature of the race is so outlandish that you'll
All the more reason for you to not drive that car home! … He told me that after he posted that Facebook status a couple of weeks ago, the church stopped putting the pamphlets on cars… but only temporarily. … Very funny. Baby_Raptor. I wish his tracks had some basis in fact. I could use regular trips to New York…Haven't seen Dear Boyfriend since September. Mitch. They're fantastic. In college, a couple friends and I collected them (someone would put a stack on