The Washington Post Co. will diversify after selling its newspaper to billionaire Jeff Bezos. …
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Washington Post Co. looks to hospice provider for revenue | The …

Weird, Odd, Wonderful Cars
The Washington Post Co. will diversify after selling its newspaper to billionaire Jeff Bezos. …
Continued here:
Washington Post Co. looks to hospice provider for revenue | The …
I threw the thing in the laundry, we ordered a couple of Irish breakfasts from a place up the street and spent the rest of the day learning how to jump cars off the roofs of buildings in Grand Theft Auto IV. It was, even during that heady period in … The Michael his family and friends have always known — the one I've known for more than ten years, since he was a funny, awkward, endlessly analytical 14-year-old kid — was still there. Recently, following this latest transplant,
We rounded up the top 10 weird objectives featured in video games, from the well-known to the obscure. … It was pretty difficult to narrow it down to 10 that were not just odd, but had strange demands for the player to meet as well. … Not as a driver in a car. Not even an anthropomorphic vehicle a la Cars. Just a car. The President (of the world, apparently?) who is also just a car decides he doesn't want to be in charge anymore, and arranges a World Grand Prix, where
But one of the most engaging and funny people we spoke to was undoubtedly production designer Russell De Rozario, whose anecdotes about making Kick-Ass 2 were often priceless. … It's not one of your cars, then? No, not yet! The person who owns it doesn't necessarily know that it's here, either. [Laughs] But this will come out afterwards. It's easier to apologise than, er… It's not as dodgy as it sounds, but erm… yeah. … We tried to have all that weird narrative in it. …
See the rest here:
Production designer Russell De Rozario on Kick-Ass 2, borrowed …