The producer of Jurassic Park and Schindler's List wonders about a strange letter. …
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Were conservative filmmakers also targeted by the IRS? | The Daily …

Weird, Odd, Wonderful Cars
The producer of Jurassic Park and Schindler's List wonders about a strange letter. …
Continue reading here:
Were conservative filmmakers also targeted by the IRS? | The Daily …
Liz Turner reviews the cutest of the electric cars, the Renault Zoe. …
Read this article:
Renault Zoe | Beauty And The Dirt
Keystone supporters argue that TransCanada is going above and beyond the safety features required by law to ensure that it will be the safest ever built. …
Originally posted here:
Keystone will be the 'safest pipeline ever built' | The Daily Caller
On display is one traveler's souvenir of a napkin that belonged to Napoleon, and another tourist's odd collection of hair, including tresses that belonged to George Washington. Other souvenirs that would clearly be illegal to