Columnist says 'international system' should be upheld, downplays constitutional violation. …
David Brooks: Obama's case for Syria intervention 'compelling' | The …

Weird, Odd, Wonderful Cars
Columnist says 'international system' should be upheld, downplays constitutional violation. …
David Brooks: Obama's case for Syria intervention 'compelling' | The …
Consider this: the average North American bicycle commute is 7.5 miles and takes 30 minutes, and, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation's 2009 travel survey, 40% of all U.S. car trips are two miles or less. …. I've fallen off my bike several times in the past couple of years due to close calls with cars passing me, then getting in front of me and slamming on their breaks for the light or turning right in front of me. … People will think you are weird for riding it. …
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Commuting by bike: Urban utopia not required | Offbeat Home