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Presenting The All New Lego Block Built Fully Functional Porsche …

Weird, Odd, Wonderful Cars
Maybe you thought I said “lucky stars,” but I didn't. I said “lucky cars.” Also, it's kind of a lie… I really intend to tell about my “unluck” with cars (but there's actually a lot of luck in there, too!). …. Alas, the Villager eventually developed a weird ABS issue, but I'm getting ahead of myself. After the clutch went out on the Escort, I was nearing the completion of my degree at UAH, and we decided I could get a 2004 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V as … …
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[LAPSE... brain dead]: Lucky Cars!
Time seems to have stopped in that odd little town, at several points – the late 1800′s, the 1920′s, the 1960′s – and then been stirred with a big stick. The atmosphere of Avalon is a big swirled sundae of eras, fashions, technology, cars – you go there and the last 150 years come wandering down the street and pass you on the way to the candy store. Where, incidentally, during WWII when the Island was closed to tourism and the OSS was running a training … …
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Here We Are On The Edge of Reality | Kathleen, Kage and the Company