Part Two: What Will We Drive In 10 Years? The Advocate: Freakonomics And The Autojourno Life

Weird, Odd, Wonderful Cars
Part Two: What Will We Drive In 10 Years? The Advocate: Freakonomics And The Autojourno Life
buy a damn car and shup up, nobody cares about the idiots biking on toronto streets the half of you deserve to be hit by cars with the way you ride your bicycles on the street anyways. Reply … user-pic. sorry guys. it's true, i was being forceful instead of thinking about stuff because i like to “win”, anonymously, against other anonymous people. i know that seems weird and super-lame, but the thing is i don't really have a girlfriend or a job. at least i have a car though! … …
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How to shame drivers who park in Toronto bike lanes
We aren't living in the 1980s any more, where cars were differentiated largely by the badge on the front, their lines dictated by ruler and set-square. Today's automotive tapestry is a rich… … Odd proportions and unusual surfaces don't make your electric cars look cool, they make them look broken. Tone it down, work on the details, and maybe you'll … Exactly. It's not a gap in the market, there is no market for the gratuitously weird. 3) Race car rejects. There's definitely … …
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Where Have All The Beautiful Electric Cars Gone? – Green Car …
The first thing that surprised me about this game was that it appears to be a move license, much like Jason Statham does, Vin Diesel seems to be in hundreds of random and usually terrible films involving cars, strangely however … looks, and runs, like he is made of plasticine and has no bones, probably just as well considering how many times I crashed the car into walls, but it was a little weird to see him wobbling along the street like he really needs to go to the toilet. … …
Original post: | OnLive: Wheelman Review