38915550http2F2F20122F142FCars+get+the+summertime+blues+too+292012-08-14+143A24Bobhttp%3A … …
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Funny car wrecks : theCHIVE

Weird, Odd, Wonderful Cars
38915550http2F2F20122F142FCars+get+the+summertime+blues+too+292012-08-14+143A24Bobhttp%3A … …
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Funny car wrecks : theCHIVE
Oddly enough, good old Brian Levy suggested this one, too. … His original suggestion here was “what if other food products had their own car, like the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile? … you put a gun to my head, of course, but that's never stopped me from digging the Wienermobile. I've seen it on the roads in person quite a few times in my life and I always get a thrill. It's just so effing weird! Other weird cars I like are: … The link below will take you to her “art-car” collection. …
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Food Funny | Bizarro Blog!
Movie Vehicles? Working at Pinewood Studios, you see your fair share or odd things. I remember one particular morning whereby, bleary eyed, I drove around the corner into the car park as I had done dozens of times before, only this time I was greeted by The North Korean People's Army. Luckily for me, they were actually … “Megan” was a strange creature with very odd ideals and rather weird personality, but that's another story. “Megan” became folk lore in the … …
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THE PRODUCER'S ARCHIVE 02 « Words from the "Turtles"…
And by the same token, there's an egregious nature to old cars exhibiting the trappings of youth. Whether it be a set of …. Also for some odd reason a certain segment of Corvette owners seem determined to try to update the look of the old cars. … Those wheels wouldn't look weird on a '92 Corvette. Oh! You ….. Funny, because my dad bought an '88 new when I was a kid, cementing the aero nose as the Best Mustang Ever ('cept for the '65-66 fastbacks) in my kid brain. …
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Hooniverse Asks- What's the Worst Modern Mod to an Old Car That …