Our annual picks of the five best cars released this year, along with a handful of bonus vehicles . … But each year, from this carefully curated collection of five dozen or so luxury and sport vehicles (and a few plebeian lumps, just to keep us honest ), we select a handful of cars that we most adored and that we felt adorned us most properly.
Posts under ‘Odd Cars’
End Car Violence: Ban Cars
Although I completely agree that an armed person isn't a murderer and guns themselves aren't the culprits it is the people that use them. But if cars do become illegal then the number of car murders would go down because ..
Gun Control: Should Guns Be Regulated Like Automobiles? (VIDEO)
In the USA the cars kill way more innocent people yearly than guns! At least 10 folds yet I her no one talking about the ” car issue”.
Hning's Asia: The Unusual Cop
The Unusual Cop.