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Posts under ‘Odd Cars’

Thieves steal tradies' cars for scrap cash |

CARS across Sydney are being stolen, crushed in backyard “chop-shops” and sold for scrap metal before the owners even know their car is gone, say NSW police.

1954 Entombed Corvette: Now THAT'S Patina… | phscollectorcarworld

Once in awhile, we get these cool and slightly bizarre auto finds surfacing. The vintage vette crowd aka the C1 gang, is mooning over the recent announcement that the “Entombed Corvette” will be auctioned in January 2013.

The Mystery Impala Engine…Option L66 | phscollectorcarworld

… cars .

American cars living and dying in Poland | Hooniverse

The cars seen in movies and TV shows were the typical, and almost-mythical, big police cruisers and smaller, but still big by Fiat 126p standards, sports cars . …

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