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Posts under ‘Odd Cars’

Tow yard owner arrested after stolen cars, auto parts seized | WGN-TV

Chicago police arrested the owner of a tow yard for possessing stolen cars . This happened at 64th and Bell in the West Englewood neighborhood, Thursday morning. The Sun-Times reports that police seized about 85

Tennis players stranded as coach wedged in Shrewsbury street …

Police were called to the scene just before 8.30pm on Tuesday as more than a dozen vehicles were left trapped in the club's car -park behind the stranded single-decker coach.

How Many Streetcars Will Fit at King & Spadina? | Steve Munro

There are already long traffic and streetcar queues extending east on King from Spadina thanks to the volume of auto and transit traffic, and interference from pedestrians. They both board streetcars at the … Signalled intersections impose certain limits on the number of cars per hour, especially if only one can pass through per direction per cycle (not unusual if they all stop to handle passengers and/or wait for a clear path to turn).

NFC Performance: World's Largest Collection of Tiny Cars Goes Up …

Unlike other automobile collectors who prefer to focus on a specific make or model, Weiner had an interest in small cars , and that's essentially what led him to create the largest collection of tiny cars . As you can expect, an individual definitely needs to …

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