In completing my ACA application, I entered that I'd be earning over the subsidy limit in 2014 since the industry in which I work is seemingly doing better (I say seemingly because it's the auto industry, whose sales seem to be propped up in part due to an increase in subprime …. Medicaid — in the states which expanded it — is now *strictly* based on your expected Adjusted Gross Income, which is a *huge* improvement over the weird “Are you REALLY poor enough?
Posts under ‘Odd Cars’
American Cars Living and Dying in Poland (part 2) | Hooniverse is a Polish website dedicated to old and not-so-old, interesting and not-so-interesting, cars from the last thirty years of the twentieth century, give or take a few years.
Suffolk Naturalist: Wow! What a dive!
… at the bottom of Strattonhall Drift