For instance, I did not know that Oldsmobiles were the first commercially successful mass-produced cars [191] and were in continuous production for 103 years (GM ended production in 2000) [193]. There are a lot of other tidbits like that in the automobile ..
Posts under ‘Odd Cars’
Placidity Row – CREEPYPASTA.COM – Scary Paranormal Stories …
I've often thought it likely, though have no way to really prove, that in every sizable town in America there is at least one area that feels a bit strange . …
Paul Walker 'Still Alive' Video Legitimate | NODISINFO
There are definitely live people who are either in or next to Paul Walker's car as it just begins to be set on fire. It is not a real fire, though, rather, a pyrotechnic one. Initially, it was though that what was seen was none oth.
Art in Bristol – You Are The Ultimate Quantum Computer at Folk …
“I am inspired by everything from the abstract consciousness of the mind to the weird and wonderful world of quantum physics and the Golden Ratio,” Robbie explains. … “My interest in the world of the ever-expanding universe was now reversing into the strange and wonderful world of quantum physics, and my work began to take on the forms of slightly unusual distressed geometric …