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Posts from ‘March, 2014’

The Manly Art Of Stick Handling | The Truth About Cars

These things pull driver and car together and when a driver has real focus they can join with the vehicle in the way that jockeys talk about becoming one with the animal during a race. That experience is, in a …

The Largest City Beyond the Polar Circle: Murmansk | English Russia

Murmansk is a frontier city and it should be under protection. Northern Fleet marines stand guard over it. Some of their vehicles .

Sochi After the Olympics | English Russia

The Sochi Olympics is over and the city has become rather deserted. Sportsmen and fans have left, buses are empty, cars are rare, and some buildings have never been finished… But spring has already come, new grass is …

Abventures Be Us | Kathleen, Kage and the Company

They wedged them under the wheels of our car and pushed us off the rails. Then they … The road has traditionally been a place for weird things to happen, according to all the myths and fairy tales; but in these modern times, you'd think things would have settled down some

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