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Posts from ‘December, 2013’

Minor паранойя – Why was my Apple computer typing in Russian …

Car number plates are routinely read by cameras all over the UK. Even my local Sainsbury supermarket's computer reads the number plates of vehicles going into its car park and displays the time your free parking ends.

Future Curbside Classics: The Cars We'll Be Photographing Later …

I find the Japanese car market absolutely crazy. The multiple dealer networks, the glut of cars offered by companies in every segment, the seemingly identical cars

Los Angeles Has The Highest Percentage Of Renters In The US …

makes sense when you consider the high cost of housing in LA in general along with the still struggling economy where many people are seeing their incomes shrink. what's strange is it seems like overall people are still spending plenty …. since the 50's, 60's or whenever they were built, totally ancient, bad plumbing, no storage, bad window treatments aka veritcal blinds, no upkeep in courtyard etc., weird management rules, odd small shaped rooms, security is bad.

Atlantic Yards Report: Markowitz's valedictory on Lehrer, with a …

Once you cross the car lanes you have to go between the parked cars and pop your head out very carefully to see if there are any bikes coming. And while the car traffic goes in one direction and goes in regular clesuters  ..

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