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Posts from ‘October, 2013’

Weird Interview Questions From Apple, Google, Amazon – Business …

Young Saudi Men Are Mounting Their Cars On Piles Of Rocks In A Strange . … At big companies like Google and Dell, and even start ups like LivingSocial, it's common practice to quiz candidates with some unusual questions

New GPS Tracker Technology Designed For Patrol Cop Cars

As sweat stings your brow, your heartbeat goes up a bit as you start to white-knuckle the steering wheel of your patrol car through the streets at high speeds with your lights and siren on as you communicate on your radio system.

The Spook Light Mystery – | Strange Mysteries and Unexplained Stuff

Others blame reflected car headlights, though official reports date back to an 1881 publication called Ozark Spook Light, well before motor vehicles began passing through the area. Luminescence from rotting organic matter has also been  …

Editorial: Why Tesla Needs To Sell Cars Through The Franchised …

There is a better chance of this so-called “Hyperloop” ever happening than Musk being allowed to sell his electric vehicles directly to the public through his own stores in more than a handful of states. Musk must face reality and ….. My instructor was a quiet little man, at best in his early thirties and oddly even for a part timer this was the only class he taught (and it was an Wednesday only evening class at that) but at first I made nothing of it.

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