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Posts from ‘October, 2013’

Bring a Trailer » Baby Bizzarrini: 1969 Europa 1900

Again, this one may be perfectly genuine. But cars like Bizzarrini 1900s, which ended 'production' with spare or partially-finished chassis, warrant close scrutiny, particularly when they're being sold out of that part of Europe.

The Divinity Student: Part Nine | Michael Cisco | Weird Fiction Review

He rolls over and takes his head in his hands, but now even sleep is strange — falling and waking with blunt headaches, half-dreaming all the time in weird fragments, dragged away and thrown in the river, or held down and screamed at, ….

He Has The POWER! [Pic] | I Am Bored

Nice Uniform [Pic] That should be standard issue… I want her to bust me so much…

Gurgel May Be The Weirdest Car Company Ever – Jalopnik

You've got companies like Sbarro making cars designed for falconry, and there's genuine kooks like Mohs, making gigantic, exterior-upholstered monsters. But when it comes to weird in actual volume production, it's hard to  …

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