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Posts from ‘August, 2012’

The McLaren X-1 a breathtaking one-off supercar! | WickedMag

Perhaps the most unusual styling feature is the enclosed rear wheels, an upshot of the owner's desire to have a car reflecting 'timeless elegance'.

Rants by Ronni: Boss Wheels

Cars had become more compact and had less chrome by then, and this was just not stylin', if you know what I mean. It was the first car I remember that had a heater and a radio

Schnitzel Republic: The German Junker

First, get it into your head that you are paying a very low price for a almost dead car , and you really are doing it just as a band-aide approach to your transportation needs. You accept risks, and you simply … Fourth, rust on German cars is fairly common after fifteen years.

Six Amazingly Eighties Music Videos | Remy Carreiro

The video has everything you could want. Hot eighties women.

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