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Posts from ‘April, 2012’

Clutch Died at 94000 miles :( – Honda Element Owners Club Forum

I do live in LA where stop-and-go driving is hard on a MT, but I was wondering if anyone here thought that it was unusual for a clutch to die at 94000. The car has been perfect all these past 7 years otherwise. Nothing but regular maintenance and no complaints

Selling The Estate « { Meandering Words }

It's not so much that the relationship is usual, but rather that unusual things happen when we are together. Whenever we go out to do something, you can bet that weird people will eventually come out of their hidey-holes to have strange conversations with us

Sunday Photo – British Woman in Bangkok: living, writing, drinking …

It's nothing unusual to see a car in Siam P; one of the floors has showrooms full of top end cars and sometimes there's an exhibition in one of the lobbies decorated with 'pretties' but this one was in the wrapping paper, cards …

A Peek At The Supercars Of The New York Auto Show | Caspost

While they do not necessarily add to the bottom line, they will get customers into showrooms. But more than that, these are an exercise to let the engineers go wild show how much passion they have for their jobs and cars .

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