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Posts from ‘December, 2011’

MetaChat – Why actuated signals are bad for pedestrians.

Also, we also have weird crosswalk things in the middle of a few blocks that have flashing lights that are activated if a pedestrian crosses, which requires all traffic to come to a screeching halt at a non-intersection — and pedestrians end up using …

Review: Grand Theft Auto 3 on iOS | Hecklerspray

The Grand Theft Auto series is like a biblical dynasty, with more and more versions being released on what seems like an almost daily basis.

Oh no, I have nowhere to go! « BennyEast.Com/Blog

But yea I mean we all do that speed up to make a light thing… and it's funny because sometimes it actually gets us in odd situations in traffic. ..

Lending shortage may turn Europe's car sales descent into a …

“Firstly, it would hamper new car sales as end-customers would lack financing. Secondly, it would seriously hinder the ability of auto makers' financial services units to refinance,” the U.S. ratings agency said in a report.

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