The baby bangs, baby string bikini, and the birthing dolls were just creepy to me.
Posts from ‘March, 2011’
“The Water Cooler”: Have you ever had a dispute with your neighbors?
Any time I have more than one or two friends over, they might park a car in front of my neighbor’s house. She will go put print outs on the windshield of their cars saying, “You are parking here illegally.
Karl on Cars: Attack of the Santa Monica Parking Nazi
Not a fan of the parking nazis and I’ve had my tiffs with them over interpretation of some weird laws (did you know even if you have a handicap placard you can be fined for blocking a handicap zone’s access if your tires are on the blue lines?
Thoughts: 'The Mesh' by Lisa Gansky
I don’t know anything about cars , so every weird noise or odd clanking puts me in a bit of a panic about whether there is a problem. It’s stressful